; For Version 4.05 and ares/data 1.5 and 1.6 ; ; ; CONFIGURATION FILE FOR G8BPQ SWITCH SOFTWARE ; ; The program which converts this text file to binary ; form is currently very crude - be VERY careful when ; editing this file! ; ; ; The order of parameters in not important, but they ; all must be specified - there are no defaults ; ; ; HOSTINTERRUPT=127 ; Sets the Interrupt used to access BPQ Host Mode. Will ; normally be 127, but may be changed if this clashes with ; other software. BTRIEVE seems to use 127, so if you are ; using it, try INTERRUPT=126 ; Memory Usage. If EMS=1, the system will attempt to put its ; data area into EMS Memory. At the moment it makes no attempt ; to manage sharing of the EMS window, so you must not run any other ; software using EMS. ; ; It seems to work ok when used with Desqview, at least on my ; AST, but it is primarily intended for use with AA4RE BBS, which ; needs a great deal of space. ; ; EMS=1 ; dont use EMS RAM ; ; I seem to have problems with systems not using DESQVIEW - especially ; NNA BBS's. The DV calls SHOULD be ignored if DV is not loaded, but ; just in case, if you set DESQVIEW=0, the 'Release Timeslice' call ; wont be used. MAKE SURE that you set DESQVIEW=1 if using DV, or ; performance will be seriously affected. ; DESQVIEW=0 ; ; ; Station Identification. ; ; If a user connects to the NODE Callsign or Alias, he is linked ; to the switch code, and can use normal NetRom/TheNet commands ; ; If he connects to the BBS Callsign or Alias he will be connected ; directly to a BBS port. If none are available, the connect will ; be rejected. ; ; Note that of you are running only a NODE (ie BBS=0), or ; or just a BBS (NODE=0), then you must still put in two pairs of calls, ; but they MUST be the SAME. ; ; If you are running both, the calls MUST be different NODECALL=WN6I-9 ; NODE CALLSIGN NODEALIAS=ALMVLY BBSCALL=WN6I-10 ; BBS CALLSIGN BBSALIAS=ARESDA ; BBS ALIAS ; ; 'ID' MESSAGE - SENT EVERY IDINTERVAL MINS ; ; WILL BE ADDRESSED FROM THE PORT CALLSIGN (IF DEFINED) ; ELSE FROM THE NODE CALL ; ; The following format allows KA nodes to include your system in ; their 'Nodes' lists. ; IDMSG: Network node (ALMVLY) *** ; UNPROTO=MAIL ; DEFAULT UNPROTO ADDR ; 'I' COMMAND TEXT ; ; Note that the bit about needing a port param in connects is only ; necessary if you are running more that one (radio) port. ; INFOMSG: G8BPQ Packet Switch, Mapperley, Nottingham. IO92KX Commands are basically the same as NET/ROM, but to connect to another normal station (not another node), you must specify a port number before the callsign. Use PORTS command to list available ports. The BBS command connects you to the associated Mailbox. *** ; ; CTEXT - If specified, will be sent when someone connects to ; the NODE ALIAS at level 2. It is not sent on connects to the ; NODE callsign, as this could confuse BBS forwarding connect ; scripts. ; CTEXT: Welcome to G8BPQ's Packet Switch in Nottingham Type ? for list of available commands. *** ; Network System Parameters ; OBSINIT=5 ; INITIAL OBSOLESCENCE VALUE OBSMIN=4 ; MINIMUM TO BROADCAST NODESINTERVAL=60 ; 'NODES' INTERVAL IN MINS IDINTERVAL=60 ; 'ID' BROADCAST INTERVAL (UK Regs require ; an AX25 ID every 15 mins) ; BTINTERVAL=0 ; NO BEACONS L3TIMETOLIVE=25 ; MAX L3 HOPS L4RETRIES=3 ; LEVEL 4 RETRY COUNT ; ; I have seen suggestions that L4TIMEOUT should be increased to very ; high values (even as long as seven mins). Although 60 may be a bit ; short in some cases, I STRONGLY advise that you dont go much above ; 120 secs unless you understand ALL the implications. ; ; I've set TTL and TIMEOUT to the values agreed by the latest SYSOPS ; meeting - this does not imply that I agree with them! ; L4TIMEOUT=120 ; LEVEL 4 TIMEOUT L4DELAY=10 ; LEVEL 4 DELAYED ACK TIMER L4WINDOW=4 ; DEFAULT LEVEL 4 WINDOW ; MAXLINKS=30 ; MAX LEVEL 2 LINKS (UP,DOWN AND INTERNODE) MAXNODES=120 ; MAX NODES IN SYSTEM MAXROUTES=35 ; MAX ADJACENT NODES MAXCIRCUITS=64 ; NUMBER OF L4 CIRCUITS minqual=10 ; MINIMUM QUALITY TO ADD TO NODES TABLE BBSQUAL=250 ; BBS Quality relative to NODE - used to ; limit 'spread' of BBS through the network ; to your required service area. I've been ; asked to set a low default to encourage you ; to think about a suitable value. Max is 255 BUFFERS=130 ; PACKET BUFFERS - 255 MEANS ALLOCATE AS MANY ; AS POSSIBLE - NORMALLY ABOUT 130, DEPENDING ; ON OTHER TABLE SIZES ; ; TNC DEFAULT PARAMS ; PACLEN=120 ; MAX PACKET SIZE ; ; PACLEN is a problem! The ideal size depends on the link(s) over ; which a packet will be sent. For a session involving another node, ; we have no idea what is at the far end. Ideally each node should have ; the capability to combine and then refragment messages to suit each ; link segment - maybe when there are more of my nodes about than 'real' ; ones, i'll do it. When the node is accessed directly, things are a ; bit easier, as we know at least something about the link. So, from ; Version 3.11 onwards, there are two PACLEN params, one here and ; one in the PORTS section. This one is used to set the initial value ; for sessions via other nodes, and for sessions initiated from here. ; The other is used for incoming direct (Level 2) sessions. In all cases ; the TNC PACLEN command can be used to override the defaults. ; ; The main reason for changing this now was a request from someone ; wanting to run an HF port. ; ; ; TRANSDELAY=1 ; TRANSPARENT MODE SEND DELAY - 1 SEC ; ; Level 2 Parameters ; ; T1, T2 and N2 are now int the PORTS section ; T3=180 ; LINK VALIDATION TIMER (3 MINS) IDLETIME=900 ; IDLE LINK SHUTDOWN TIMER (15 MINS) ; ; ; Configuration Options ; BBS=1 ; INCLUDE BBS SUPPORT NODE=1 ; INCLUDE SWITCH SUPPORT ; HIDENODES=0 ; IF SET TO 1, NODES STARTING WITH # WILL ; ONLY BE DISPLAYED BY A NODES * COMMAND ; ; THE *** LINKED COMMAND IS INTENDED FOR USE BY GATEWAY SOFTWARE, AND ; CONCERN HAS BEEN EXPRESSED THAT IT COULD BE MISUSED. I RECOMMEND THAT ; IT IS DISABLED IF NOT NEEDED. ; ENABLE_LINKED=N ; CONTROLS PROCESSING OF *** LINKED COMMAND ; Y ALLOWS UNRESTRICTED USE ; A ALLOWS USE BY APPLICATION PROGRAM ; N (OR ANY OTHER VALUE) DISABLE ; ; ; ; ; 'COMBIOS' Port definitions. ; ; This section defines the virtual TNC's that the code supports. ; ; The basic format is: ; ; TNCPORT ; COM=n ; COMBIOS port number ; APPLMASK=nn ; Defaults to 1 (BBS) ; APPLFLAGS=nn ; Defaults to 6 ; ENDPORT ; ; See APPLS.DOC for details on use of APPLFLAGS and APPLMASK ; ; Only TNC2 applications are supported through this interface. ; For information on using KISS or DEDHOST applications, see file ; DRIVERS.DOC ; ; Dont try to define more than 16 ports. ; TNCPORT COM=1 TYPE=TNC2 ENDPORT ;TNCPORT ; COM=3 ; APPLFLAGS=4 ; NO 'CONNECTED' TO USERS ;ENDPORT ; ; AX25 PORT DEFINITIONS ; ; These define the external links - normally to radios, but possibly ; to other computers, modems, etc. ; ; The hardware type and protocol are now defined separately, but ; at the moment only a limited number of combinations are possible ; ; Interrupt levels may be shared by any cards with suitable ; hardware. Examples are all but the earliest DRSI cards, and ; a MS400 modified as described by AA4RE in his MBBIOS documentation. ; ; There is a significant overhead in using the shared interrupt ; feature - try to use it on relatively low speed links, and ; wath out for TX underruns/RX overuns. ; ; ; See file PORTS.DOC for full details of available paramters. ; ; Note that all timer values are in ms intervals. Most TNC's ; use different units for the various timers, so be careful! ; ; The timings are all derived from the PC's timer interrupt, ; who's frequency is about 18.2 HZ, so the resolution is only to ; approx 50ms. ; PORT ID=223.56 1200 baud TYPE=ASYNC PROTOCOL=KISS IOADDR=3F8H INTLEVEL=4 SPEED=4800 CHANNEL=A QUALITY=10 MAXFRAME=4 TXDELAY=350 SLOTTIME=100 PERSIST=64 FULLDUP=0 FRACK=7000 RESPTIME=2000 RETRIES=10 PACLEN=120 ENDPORT ROUTES: ; ; ROUTES TO LOCK IN ; ; specify Callsign, Quality and Port. You can now also specify ; MAXFRAME, FRACK, PACLEN (in that order) to override the port ; defaults. ; ; ;G4RFG-1,0,2 ; MARGINAL, SO QUALITY = 0 ;G4RFG,0,1 ;GB7LX-2,0,1 ;GB7LX-7,20,2 ;G0GDR-1,100,2,1,6000,100 ; not always very good, so maxframe=1 *** ; ; APPLICATIONS SUPPORTED ; ; UP TO 8 ENTRIES OF UP TO 12 BYTES EACH ; ; THE FIRST 3 ARE RESERVED FOR BBS, HOST, AND REMOTE SYSOP - YOU ; CAN DEFINE THE OTHERS AS YOU LIKE. ; ; FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH EARLIER VERSIONS, JUST ENTER APPLICATIONS=BBS ; ; NAMES STARTING WITH * ARE NOT INCLUDED IN 'VALID COMMANDS' DISPLAY ; APPLICATIONS=ARESDATA,,*SYS,,CHAT ;